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I perform dry and wet cuts for both men and women. 

Men's cuts : $25-$45*

Women's Cuts : $55-$65*
Scalp Masssage/Cleanser: $15 

Deep Conditioning Treatment: $20

Style outs: $20

Editorial Styleouts: $40

* all womens and mens cuts come with a free shampoo, condition and blow dry, excessive length and density of hair might increase price slightly.


"The Global" (all-over color): $60*

"The Block" (block coloring technique with 2 or 3 colors): $80*

"The Sun Kiss" (a partial highlight): $75*

"The Sunburst" (a full highlight): $110*

"The Rootless" (all-over color with highlights and or low-lights) : $125*

"The Graffiti" (block technique with colors sprayed onto hair in a specific design): $130*

"The Seal" (a color sealant and shine enhancer): $20*
"The Ombre"(ombre coloring technique): $110* 
"The Pastels" ( Pastel or Vibrant color working): $80*
"The Cleaner" ( a color correction service): $100-150*

*The following prices are guidelines to help you budget your trip to Enygma. The only way to have a price quoted exactly is to come in and talk to your stylist. I do not quote prices over the phone or online due the custom nature of every person’s hair I must evaluate each and every client for their own hair situation. 


Editorial styling for a shoot or event:  $100 and up 
Shampoo,condition,blowdry: $50 and up

Fashion Styling on set: $200 and up*

Editorial photo shoots including photographer Half Day $500 \ Full Day $1000
Build your own images to attract your clients with help from Enygma Studio

*half day: $250 (may work on up to 4 people) less than 4 hours

Full  day: $500 ($50 travel fee for more than 25 miles from the salon, must provide lunch, may work on up to 8 people) up to 8 hours. Must be paid for one week in advance with a 2 week notice.

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